Dr Samantha Grant

Enhancing Confidence

Dr Samantha Grant is a dentist who realises that your smile is more than just teeth and gums. She is trained in Complete Dento-Facial Rejuvenation, meaning she wants your whole face to look as good as your wonderful healthy smile.

Samantha can take care of your oral health and smile with a special interest in smile enhancements via smile design, composite bonding and porcelain restorations. Samantha also takes care of your regular dental needs.

In 2019 Samantha trained with the Australasian Academy of Dento-Facial Aesthetics (AADFA) With unparalleled levels of practical skill and anatomical knowledge of the facial region, Dentists are the very best people to be providing facial rejuvenation therapies to the public in a safe and hygenic clinical environment for both aesthetic and therapeutic needs. Dentists are the only practitioners able to ensure the establishment of a strong, healthy, supporting dentition which then blends harmoniously with an enhancement of the external soft tissues to achieve the best, safest and most natural overall results.


Dr Samantha Grant has a special interest in rejuvenation and enhancement treatments for the face. Treatments can range from very subtle treatments to reduce the appearance of tiredness, sadness or anger, undetectable to onlookers right through to a more dramatic beautification.

Samantha will take you though a comprehensive assessment of all the layers of the face: Skin condition, facial movement, volume, face shape, hollowing, the expressions of the face, smile improvements.

Specialised Cosmetic Treatments

Enhance Your Smile

Learn how Samantha and our expert team at Advanced Dental can help you achieve the perfect smile through cosmetic facial injectables and advanced dental treatments.